Thursday, March 6, 2025

Journalism lies more than Advertising

At first glance, it seems that advertising lies to make us buy the products it promotes—or at least exaggerates their virtues to achieve its goal. Meanwhile, journalism, on the surface, appears to stick to the truth of the facts, earning our full trust. But is this really the case? Let’s not be fooled by appearances…
I never would have thought to write an article like this or a headline like the one you just read. Until just a few years ago, Journalism was a respectable profession. Journalists were relentless seekers of news and truth. Beyond a declared bias toward a political party or a gentle nod to major advertisers, Journalism strove for objectivity in its reporting. One day, it might praise certain figures—regardless of their affiliation or sector—for something genuinely praiseworthy, only to criticize them days later if they deserved it.
What has happened in recent years? How have the media sold out to political interests? Citizens are now the least of their concerns; the content of news stories is tailored to please editors and the political and economic powers propping up the media. Objectivity, impartiality, honesty—these words no longer exist in journalism (and from now on, I’ll write it with a lowercase “j”).
That’s why we see the media focusing solely on what matters to the major political parties, endorsing all their initiatives (logical or not) and repeatedly justifying politicians’ actions. Each outlet may lean toward one party or another, but ultimately, the media have accepted their role as a mouthpiece for the globalism that big political parties are trying to impose on us.
Media outlets, like any company aiming for professional growth, once aspired to gain social relevance, boost their audience, and become a trusted source of information. To do so, they sought concessions to launch new TV channels or radio stations and chased the ever-growing advertising revenue from political parties, who roll out campaigns every few months—municipal, regional, national, or European. But this came at a cost: bowing their heads and submitting to the dictates of power, both political and the unseen economic forces behind it. The media dropped their pants and swallowed it all. The so-called “editorial line” grew stronger—a euphemism for writing only what the editor wants. Any journalist who steps out of line knows where the exit door is (and times aren’t exactly ripe for job-hunting).
I stated in the headline that journalism today deceives more than Advertising (I’ll keep writing journalism with a lowercase “j” while keeping Advertising capitalized). Once, journalism had credibility; now, it’s merely a tool of manipulation in service of globalism. Advertising, on the other hand, wears no mask—it’s always been upfront. Everyone knows it’s trying to sell you something, and the public recognizes and distinguishes it as such. Modern journalism, however, pretends to be “informative” when it’s nothing but manipulation—and it’s succeeding in deceiving millions of people.
There was, however, a glimmer of hope. Thanks to social media, millions of people became journalists themselves, and for a while, it was easier to find the truth there than in traditional media. But those who rule the world acted swiftly. Censorship soon invaded social media, gagging dissenting citizens so that only one “truth” (the government’s) and one ideology (the shamelessly imposed globalism of Agenda 2030) could prevail.
They’re so brazen now that they don’t even bother hiding it. The Bilderberg Club, World Economic Forum, European Central Bank, World Health Organization, Davos Forum, Bill Gates Foundation, and others laugh in our faces, rubbing our noses in the future they’ve planned for us: “You will own nothing and be happy.” Because they’re keeping it all for themselves. Plain and simple.

A chance encounter will take him far away, on a thrilling adventure full of action and emotion that will change his life... but also the lives of everyone around him…
“Fleeing into silence”:

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