Why do we wear makeup? Have you ever asked yourself
that? Perhaps you have, but maybe you only came up with a superficial
answer—something like, “because it makes me feel better,” “to please someone,”
“to be trendy”… or maybe you’ve even given yourself a deeper response at some
point, like “to be socially accepted.” And is all of that really necessary?
Whether it’s necessary or not, the truth is that we
all put on makeup, get ready, and “make ourselves pretty” in front of the
mirror, acknowledging our desire to please others (perhaps someone in
particular) and also to please ourselves.
Poetry cannot remain detached from this magical, daily ritual, which is why I’m sharing this poem that goes beyond mere makeup…
I spread the foundation with care,
covering pores evenly,
then I add the color
that highlights my cheeks.
Shadows grace my eyes,
my lashes grow longer,
and my blue eyes become
the center of gravity.
Next, I paint my lips,
braces? Who cares!
I blow kisses to the mirror
and admire the finish.
We’ve reached the end!
We’ll step out tonight,
and the body’s makeup
covers the soul just the same.
P.S. – This poem was dictated to me by my muse in the
silence of a hot summer afternoon.
Poetry cannot remain detached from this magical, daily ritual, which is why I’m sharing this poem that goes beyond mere makeup…
covering pores evenly,
then I add the color
that highlights my cheeks.
my lashes grow longer,
and my blue eyes become
the center of gravity.
braces? Who cares!
I blow kisses to the mirror
and admire the finish.
We’ve reached the end!
and the body’s makeup
covers the soul just the same.
An enthralling story of love, friendship and honor in the Olympic Games (2,600 years ago)
“Life debt” (Vicente Fisac, Amazon): https://a.co/d/hono34C
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